Friday, December 30, 2011

Owl pillow

First of all, this may or may not be an actual pillow... more of a stuffed pet if you are not an adult.
 I had made this for my niece and she loved it, carrying it around everywhere (even by her teeth, much to her mother's dismay). A friend saw it and insisted she needed one as a throw pillow for her bed. 
And so the story begins... 

You will need: 
Fabric - two differing pieces - use some scraps!
Felt - for eyes (white), beak (golden) and feet (brown or black) 
Buttons - for eyes, unless you would like to just use felt for those.
Polyfill - for a plump little owl vs. a flat one.
Step one: Find pattern from online source or make your own. I found one at Toad's Treasures (not this one, but a larger pattern) but Googling it always works.
Cut out material pieces and pin contrasting belly fabric. It's optional to have this piece, but its nice for some personality.
Step two: Stitch on your felt rounds (I traced the bottom of a spool). I like to use a golden color that matches the beak.

 Step three: Sew on the button eyes in the middle of the felt round. Buttons are optional, I started using a smaller black felt round, but opted for the button this time. IF you use the felt round, stitch it just like you did the white round. It will look cute either way!

So, his eyes are on, now we are ready to sew on the beak! Having the belly and eyes in place helps you decide where to put the little beak.
 Step four: Sew on the beak. It will just be a little triangle felt piece.

 Step five: Zig Zag the belly a couple of times
 I zig zagged all the way around, but just straight stitched the bottom, as I thought it was easier that way.
  Step six: Sew the owl inside out with little feet pinned in. LEAVE a GAP at the bottom to turn the owl right side out and stuff the little guy.

This is what the bottom will look like with the gap once the owl has been stuffed with polyfill.
 Step eight: hand stitch the bottom part together any way you see fit.

  Step nine: Optional. The wings are not necessary... just an added little perk. Cut four triangles and sew them together for the wings and stuff. You will then stitch them on the bird body.